Big Ideas for a Brighter Future
Call for Papers – Now Closed
The Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison Association
National Conference
Dallas, TX
April 15-17, 2020
The Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison (HEAL) Association is offering a professional conference to address the educational needs of pediatric patients. HEAL invites the submission of presentation proposals for this national conference. The theme of this conference is Big Ideas for a Brighter Future.
Objectives include:
- Promoting collaboration among professionals serving students with medical and mental health needs
- Developing advocacy skills, knowledge and methods for intervention with students who manage medical and mental conditions
General Guidelines
Abstracts must reflect issues relevant to the educational issues and needs of children with medical and mental health conditions. An emphasis on practical application and implementation is appreciated by our attendees, as indicated in past conference feedback. Presenters are limited to two abstract submissions per conference. For abstracts reporting research activities, research must be completed at the time of submission for all formats except poster presentations. With the acceptance of a submission it is expected that all presenters will register for and attend the National Conference. Please specify if you have additional authors to your work who will not be presenting at the conference. Presenters are responsible for all registration, travel, hotel, and related costs. All accepted presenters are encouraged to take advantage of Early Bird Registration as presenter discounts are no longer offered. One presenter from each proposal should be designated as the primary contact person who will be responsible for all correspondence pertaining to abstract submission. Email will be the preferred method of communication. Please submit abstract via online submission form. Submissions via fax or email will not be considered.
Information presented should be relevant to attendees from institutions of varying sizes (e.g., large pediatric centers to one-person programs to community settings). Audience size may range from 25-150. Presenters shall not sell or promote any particular product at any time during the presentation.
** Abstracts submissions will be accepted via the online submission process until September 30, 2019.**
Presentation Format
Abstracts must be presented in one of the following presentation formats:
* New! Roundtable Discussion: A 60-minute roundtable discussion led by a presenter, who provides a brief (15 minute) overview of the topic, and then engages participants in a structured, interactive discussion to explore the topic in-depth.
* Poster Presentation: A visual display of an innovative program, clinical case study, or research relevant to school re-entry or addressing the educational issues of pediatric patients with medical or mental health needs. Note: Poster presentations must be staffed for the designated time slot and will be limited to two presenters. Research projects presented in this format do not have to represent completed research; these presentations may include research proposals and research in progress.
* Lecture: 45 minute presentation plus 15 minutes for discussion (three speaker limit).
* Interactive Workshop: 45 minute practical/hands-on demonstration plus 15 minutes for discussion (three speaker limit).
* Panel Discussion: 45 minute examination of a specific topic or issue by a maximum of three panel members and one facilitator, plus 15 minutes for discussion
* Extended Session: combination of 45 minute lecture and 45 minute interactive workshop.
Target Audience:
Consideration should be given to the needs of different professionals within our organization including, but not limited to:
* Classroom teachers
* Educational leadership
* Educational liaisons
* Hospital administration
* Hospital/homebound teachers
* Nurses/physicians
* Psychologists/neuropsychologists
* School intervention/re-entry coordinators
* Social Workers
Topics of Interest
Academic, School, Education
* Best practices for teaching children with medical & mental health needs
* Interventions and accommodations (cognitive rehabilitation, learning strategies, programs/software, medications, etc)
* Special Education
Advocating for children with medical and mental health needs within their school districts, and at the legislative level
Career Development
* Clinical ladders
* Management and leadership
* Stress management
Educational law
End of Life/Bereavement
Neurocognitive late effects
Neuropsychological evaluations
Program Development
* School Re-Entry
* Bedside Teaching
* Funding and grants
Educational implications and accommodations for specific diagnoses/treatments:
* Behavioral Health/Psychiatry
* Burn
* Cancer and Blood Disorders
* Cardiology
* Organ Transplantation
* Pulmonology
* Nephrology
* Rehabilitation
* Research
* Survivorship
Review Process
The Conference Call for Papers is designed to elicit information necessary to review content and organization of proposed presentations. Submitters will receive confirmation of receipt via email. Members of the Conference Committee review the submissions and make recommendations on selections. Each abstract is rated according to:
- Quality of Content – Evaluation of purpose and objectives; relevance to addressing the educational needs of children with chronic medical conditions; creative use of skills; integrated analysis of data and strength of authors’ background to present topic.
- Quality of Abstract Organization – Evaluation of how clear and well thought out the information in the abstract is presented; in conformity with standard grammatical rules; and how well it adheres to the abstract format described above.
HEAL uses a blind review process. Authors and institutions must NOT be identified in the title, objectives, summary, and abstract. The use of institution letterhead is not permitted. Please use “this author”, “this program”, etc. to avoid naming yourself or your program in your submission. Abstracts should be written in the third person and must not be an attempt to promote or sell any service or product. Please adhere to APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for in-text citations and reference lists.
The lead presenter/speaker will be notified in writing via email of the Conference Committee’s recommendation or declination of each abstract submission by November 4, 2019. Individuals from accepted abstracts will sign a contractual agreement with HEAL that indicates each individual’s commitment to attend and share the content of the session as accepted by the Committee. In order to create a balanced overall conference program, the Committee may request changes to accepted abstracts; the contractual agreement would indicate any such changes.
Submission Criteria
Submit your abstract by completing the online abstract submission form. You will be asked to include:
- Title: A direct yet descriptive title that is a clear reflection of the topic.
- Summary: This should be 75 words or less describing the content of your presentation. If accepted, this summary may appear in conference publications to describe the session.
- Learning Objectives: State 3-4 objectives would you like attendees to know at the conclusion of your presentation. Each objective should include a measurable outcome and begin with an action verb. Please indicate an approximate outline/timeframe for how each objective will be addressed. For example:
- Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to . . .
- Approx. minutes
- Teaching method (lecture, workshop, panel, etc.)
- Credentials/Certification of Speaker
- Content description in bullet points
- Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to . . .
- Approx. minutes
- Teaching method (lecture, workshop, panel, etc.)
- Credentials/Certification of Speaker
- Content description in bullet points
- Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to . . .
- Approx. minutes
- Teaching method (lecture, workshop, panel, etc.)
- Credentials/Certification of Speaker
- Content description in bullet points
- Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to . . .
- Approx. minutes
- Teaching method (lecture, workshop, panel, etc.)
- Credentials/Certification of Speaker
- Content description in bullet points
- Abstract: Your abstract submission should be between 200-500 words (excluding learning objectives and reference list). Please complete each subsection separately, but it should be written so it creates a complete and logical account of your presentation. Subsections include:
- Introduction: Describe explanation of why your research, project/program, or the introduction of a new theory/approach was initiated.
- Description: Include details of research methods and design, project/program, or how a new theory or approach was introduced within your practice.
- Outcome: Explain results of your project, research study, program, or the contribution of the new theory/approach to your practice in the field.
- Relevance to the field: Describe by this presentation is important to those who work for the educational needs of students with medical and mental conditions.
- References (if appropriate): All citations (in-text and reference list) should be in APA format.
- Presentation Format: (see descriptions above)
- Poster
- Lecture
- Panel Discussion
- Interactive Workshop
- Extended Session
- Presenter Biographical Information (this will not be shared during the review process). For each presenter, please include:
- Full name
- Credentials
- Position Title/Organization Affiliation
- Mailing Address
- Telephone
- Professional Presentation Experience:
- Previous AECMN/APHOES presenter
- First time presenter
- Previous presenter at other conferences (Please list).
- Presentation role
- I am a speaker/poster presenter who will attend the conference
- I am an author/contributor and will not attend the conference
- Designation of Primary Contact Person: All communication regarding abstract submission and review will be sent to the primary contact. Again, this will not be provided during the review process.