Get Active
01. Become A Member
Ready to join a growing group of people dedicated to creating better outcomes for students with medical and mental health needs? Choose from one of our four different membership type and join our amazing family. Membership benefits include fantastic networking opportunities, access to incredible resources, discounted rates for our renowned Annual Conference, and much, much more!
Support HEAL
02. Become A Partner
Does your organization’s mission align with ours in any way? Reach out to learn more about our mutually beneficial partnership process!
Give Back
03. Make a Donation
Like what we’re doing and what to see it spread? If a membership or partnership doesn’t quite fit for you, donations are a fantastic option to help our work grow! Every donation made is tax refundable, and you can rest assured your money will be going towards growing our work in helping students with medical and mental health needs.
Speak Up
04. Spread the Word
Love social media like we do? Like our stuff, share it far and wide! Publicity helps our organization grow and our mission of helping students with medical and mental health needs carry through!