Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison Association
HEAL ASSOCIATIONSupporting Students with Medical and Mental Health Needs
About Us
HEAL Association
The Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison (HEAL) Association is an organization dedicated to supporting students with medical and mental health needs. Former organizations AECMN (The Association for the Education of Children with Medical Needs) and APHOES (The Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Educational Specialists) merged together in May of 2018 to work together for their common goal of supporting students, advocating for best practices, and networking across North America.
How We Help
To Support
Provide opportunities for development and ongoing collaboration among multidisciplinary professionals to support the advancement of educational outcomes
To Advance
Advance awareness of the educational needs of students with medical and mental health needs.
To Provide
Provide opportunities for development and ongoing collaboration among multidisciplinary professionals to support the advancement of educational outcomes
To Collaborate
Collaborate with organizations having similar interests and objectives
To Encourage
Encourage and provide resources for the advocacy of students.
To Promote
Promote and share research to support, validate and guide best practices
Make A Difference
Help the Hospital Educator and Academic Liaison Association make a difference in the lives of students with medical and mental health needs with a donation today! Donations will go towards furthering the mission to ensure all students have access to educational success, no matter their diagnosis.
Get Involved
Interested in being part of the amazing network of educators, practitioners, parents, and others dedicated to making a difference in the lives of students with medical and mental health needs? Find out about the different membership options we have available today!
Get Involved
Become A Member
Professional- Professionals interested in or active in supporting the education of children and adolescents with medical and mental health needs. Active members receive all HEAL membership benefits, may vote and hold elected office within the organization.
Student- Membership open to full-time students with an interest in supporting the educational needs of children, adolescents and young adults with medical and mental health needs. Student members may serve on volunteer task forces and committees.
Parent Partner- Parents/caregivers with an interest in the education of children, adolescents and young adults with medical and mental health needs. Parent partner members enjoy all privileges of professional membership, but may not vote or hold elected office. Parent partner members may serve on volunteer task forces and committees.
Retired Professional- Retired educators and other professionals who provide services to children and adolescents with medical and behavioral health needs. Members enjoy all privileges of professional membership, but may not vote or hold elected office. Retired professional members may serve on volunteer task forces and committees.
Continuity in Education has been published!
“We are pleased to announce the launch of Continuity in Education, an open access, international, academic journal focused on the education and development of children and young people with medical and mental health needs.” ~ CiE’s editorial team Download the full announcement here

Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation Endorsement
News – The Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Educational Specialists (APHOES) has endorsed the Standards for Psychosocial Care for Children with Cancer and Their Families published in the 2015 December special issue of Pediatric Blood & Cancer.